Thursday, September 27, 2012

happy 38 to me!

i can't believe i just reviled my age to everybody, but it's out there now so i'm going with it! and honestly, i've loved my 30s! i feel like i've accomplished alot. i started dating the sweetie, got married, started my graphic design business, had a child, moved half way across country and started my photography business. So yeah, the 30s have been good to me!! AND i still have two more years left!!

in honor of turning 38 i'm making a list of 38 things i want my parents, daughter, and sweetie to know.

1. to katheryn: beauty is a state of mind, not a state of body
2. to sweetie: i still remember our first second date!
3. to mom: the more i grow, the more i realize what an awesome mom i have
4. to dad: thank you for letting me cry just to cry
5. to katheryn: there will always be mean girls, just don't be one of them (and stand up for yourself when they are mean to you.)
6. to sweetie: i love it when you rub my head
7. to mom: i still think about you looking beautiful in your teal dress at our wedding
8. to dad: thank you for taking me camping
9. to katheryn: your name holds a special meaning for us.
10. to sweetie: thank you for your unconditional support, even when i get a crazy idea
11. to mom: i love it when you scratch my back
12. to dad: i love it when you rub my back
13. to katheryn: find a good hair stylist. it will be worth it
14. to sweetie: i find your bald head sexy
15 to mom: i still remember your 30th birthday and wondered why you were crying
16. to dad: thank you for taking scuba diving lessons with me
17. to katheryn: find and keep good friends. you'll need them and they'll need you.
18. to sweetie: i love your blue eyes
19. to mom: i love your blue eyes
20. to dad: i love your blue eyes
21. to katheryn: you were bound to have blue eyes
22. to sweetie: it's nice to know that alot of times you know what i need before i know what i need.
23. to mom: i still love your strawberry shortcake the best
24. to dad: thank you for persuading me i needed to go off to a four year college instead of settling and going to a junior college at home. 
25. to katheryn: you will go to college (and not live at home)
26. to sweetie: i'm always on your side, especially on the days it doesn't feel like it
27. to mom: i still like your hair darker better but you're always beautiful, even if you end up losing all your hair
28. to dad: thank you for showing me how a gentlemen should treat a lady
29. to katheryn: i love that you are a girly girl
30. to sweetie: i love that we both like going to hawaii
31. to katheryn: throughout life, don't depend on a guy to make you happy or complete. make yourself happy first. a nice guy will just be the icing on the cake.
32. to mom: thank you for teaching me how to cook
33. to dad: thank you for building a balance beam in our backyard so i could practice on
34. to katheryn: i will be your best friend. but i will be your mother more
35. to sweetie: a good cry is great therapy... sometimes you gotta deal with it
36. to mom: you're the mom i hope i can be to katheryn
37. to dad: i love that you still call me punkin
38. to my 38 self: be stronger,  more confident, and wiser than you were the past 38 years. you have some terrific people in your corner.

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