Friday, September 14, 2012

five on friday

1. last week we went apple picking and brought home 19 pounds of apples. My first recipe I attempted from all the apples was apple butter. i found this recipe from, where else, Pinterest! Ummmmm... my first attempt was a big fat fail. Can you say charred stuck-on pieces of apple and waking up to a burning smell. Things I learned: 1) don't cut the recipe in half  2) don't leave it overnight like it said to in the directions 3) use a crockpot liner or parchment paper 4) vinegar and baking soda over a several day period will clean off charred stuck-on pieces of burnt apple from the crockpot.

2. round two of apple butter making was a success!! mmmmmmm

3. this week we've had apple salad, homemade apple sauce, grilled apples, apples dipped in caramel sauce, apple juice and of course, apple butter!

4. i have a few spots open for fall mini-sessions but they're going fast! See all the details here.

5. random five on friday photo:

from our 4th of july trip to tahoe. Yeah, she's all mine ;)

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