Friday, May 31, 2013

five on friday {san jose, california, family photographer}

1. Yep, it's been awhile again. Life is just happening, that's all. Oh, and summer is fast approaching! Early Bird gets out next Wednesday and I plan on not doing a lot, doing a lot, and of course having fun!!

2. Recently Early Bird's teacher gave us a book to read called We All Sing with the Same Voice. As I was reading it to EB the words sounded so familiar, like a song I had heard. I decided to YouTube it and the original song popped up from Sesame Street. It hasn't aged one bit. Early Bird has been singing it over and over, which I love!!

2. Last FoF I hinted at some fun surprises coming up. The first one was that Saturday We (as in the next door neighbors and I) had a  surprise birthday party for Sweetie. We tried to "surprise" him with water balloons and squirt guns. It didn't plan out exactly but he was still surprised. No pictures unfortunately because I was too busy planning. However, the next surprise was for Early Bird and we ended up going to DISNEYLAND with our neighbors and their two kids!

3. A few pictures from our adventure!

our first stop was the giant Lego store. "Someone" in the family looooves legos (**cough cough** Sweetie).

and yes, that's the Hulk all made out of Legos! Crazy!!

while we were there Sweetie celebrated a birthday and of course we couldn't let him get away with not being embarrassed a tad. Luckily for him we just had him sport a crown during lunch!

4. Since I hail from Texas, which is close to Oklahoma, I was saddened by last week's tornados that ripped through the state. Growing up in Tornado Alley you get somewhat used to tornado warnings and bad storms. Luckily I was never IN one but I know plenty of areas (and people) that have been affected. This week at our local Starbucks here in California we could donate some money towards rebuilding that part of Oklahoma that was hit, which I graciously did. It was just a small part of something bigger that I could do to help.

5. Random photo of the day:

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