Friday, May 17, 2013

five on friday {San Jose, California, family photographer}

1. I'm squeaking in just under the wire for today's FoF.

2. There's alot of things happening around our house in the next few days and it's unsuspecting to a couple of people. Luckily, I (the knowing of all knowing) knows everything (Bwahahaha!!). One person (aka Sweetie) THINKS he knows everything about all happening things but he doesn't ;) And Early Bird doesn't realize she knows nothing about any of the happenings. Is that pretty cryptic or what?!

3. Here's a hint for you (and if we see you between now and Monday you don't know anything about anything... wink wink). Sweetie's birthday is Thursday but we'll be out of town (that's one of the secrets) so I'm throwing him a surprise party on Saturday... and he HATES surprises!! I haven't told Early Bird because she's not very good with secrets. The other secret is the trip we're taking, which Early Bird doesn't know about either. If you're keeping score that's 2 for mom, 1 for Sweetie and 0 for Early Bird. Thinking about it now there better not be any surprises for me!! Now, that wouldn't be very nice :(

4. A guess for where we're going next week: think small, round, black ears!!

5. Random photo of the week:


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