Friday, April 22, 2011

addison part 2

I was lucky enough to photograph this sweet just-turned three year old recently near her home, 
which just happens to be close to a beach, like, within walking distance. Can you say jealous??!!

She also happens to be the daughter of some good friends of ours. 
Don't let this sweet smile fool you though. She was a tough cookie! Her momma
and I had to pull out alot of tricks to even have her glance at the camera. 

However, I did manage to sneak a few, "Hey Addison, is there a purple chicken on my head?"
Which, she looked up, smiled, and said, "Nooooo!!" and then immediately turned away.
(Luckily, I got the shot in though! ;) That's how you out smart a three year old!)

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