Saturday, December 1, 2012

Oliva our elf is here to stay

after struggling with the concept of Elf on the Shelf (read about my turmoil here in last Friday's Five on Friday, #2) I finally decided to invite her/him into our home. The Elf turned out to be a girl and she is now known as Olivia.

However, it turns out I'm not the only mom that has pondered the Elf's place in a home around Christmas. My fabulously smart and kind friend, Elisabeth Johnston, who is a professor and has spent years studying children, sent me this article from Parents' Web site, "I don't have an Elf on the Shelf. And I don't want one."  So glad that I'm not alone in my feelings.

However, after seeing how excited Early Bird was the first two mornings to see what Olivia had done overnight I decided that yes, maybe it is worth it after all. Early Bird won't be young forever and she won't believe in all the magic of childhood in a short few years, so, yes, Olivia is here to stay as long as Early Bird still finds joy in her. (Side note: luckily Olivia spends most of the year at the north pole.... whew!)

As it turns out Early Bird and I aren't the only ones enjoying Olivia. The Sweetie has also gotten excited about the possibilities to come! Being creative is in his soul so I was really glad when we both started to try to come up with ideas on how Olivia will spend her time while she's with us.

So, stay tuned!

And here's how she spent last night, drawing a Christmas tree for us!

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