Saturday, September 10, 2011

september 10 on 10

What is 10 on 10 exactly? 

It's 10 women photographers from across the country that take 10 pictures in a day of their life and post on the 10th day of each month. The idea behind it is to capture those fleeting moments during our hectic days of being mommies, wives, daughters, employees, sisters, photographers, etc, etc, etc ....

"The days may be long but the years are short."

I can not tell you how stoked I am to be a part of this VERY talented group of women. My cup definitely runneth over. We all met on The Bloom Forum and will link to the next photographer's site; therefore, completing the circle of 10. (* a little side note - because life is always evolving around us we'll only have seven photographers this month. The other three will join us for our October 10 on 10. Can't wait to see what they come up with!) 

This is our first month of 10 on 10. I'm excited, intimidated, nervous ... everything at the same time. What if the technical aspects of  my photos don't measure up to the other 10 on 10s? What if  I seem boring? What if nobody cares?

Ultimately I have to put my insecurities aside because my ultimate goal is to document what makes up MY family's hours, days, weeks, months and years, which, at the end of the day, is why I started this journey into photography. 

When my daughter was around 18 months old I looked at the photos I had been taking of her, up to that point, with my point and shoot. Yeah, they were ok but nothing spectacular, then I started looking at photos taken by experienced photographers and the crispness, details, unposed, natural shots that were captured. In my heart that's what I wanted to capture for my daughter and my family. I wanted to remember the evenings painting with daddy, her favorite book, our family trips to the ice-cream shop, her tiny shoes, her favorite blanket and "baby" that is carried around, her bag that she carried to preschool, her pigtails. Time will march on but when I look back these moments will forever be there. 

And who knows where my journey into photography may lead me. If all I end up is documenting what's important to me then that was my purpose. But (a little honesty here) hopefully I can help other families capture those same moments as well. 

I hope you enjoy YOUR journey into our 10 (really 7 this month) on 10.

waiting for my sleepyhead to wake up

the one I wish was a sleepyhead

cozying up with her blanket and "baby" while getting her morning fix of either
"Angelina Ballerina" or "Caillou." This day it was Angelina.... thankfully!

time to "help" with making the bed

library time

a lunch made with love

ahhhh.... naptime 

never ending pile of laundry

time for our weekly playgroup with our good friends

and finally.... bath time!

Now head over to Heather's 10 on 10. Make sure to leave some 
blog love on hers. 
We always like to know what our readers think! 


  1. Pam - thank you so much for taking us into a day of your life- Great storytelling and bedmaking looks like fun in your house! :)

  2. Thank Mary!! Yes, bed making is always "interesting."

  3. Beautiful images, Pam! I love your sight. Very thoughtful images :)

  4. Thank you everybody for your kind words!! It definitely warms my heart!

    Tricia - you guys are missed too!! :(
