Friday, November 16, 2012

five on friday

1. first and foremost (and most exciting for me), I was featured on a terrific photography blog today. Check it out here.

2. Exactly six days until Thanksgiving! We're headed out to Texas on Sunday and I CAN'T WAIT! Bring on the grandparents, dinner with my bestie, a massage with my momma, a family reunion, and a hotel indoor waterpark. I'm also sneaking in a little work while I'm there. Just pray that the ONLY day it's forecasted to rain next week it doesn't actually rain. Texas weather for ya!

3. Today at Early Bird's preschool they started early on giving thanks by having Donuts with Dads. Each child filled out a small list of questions about their dads. (Do you know where I'm going with this?) Here's some of Early Bird's answers:
- Your dad is 5 years old.
- Your dad is as big as an octopus.
- Your dad likes to eat ice cream and vegetables.
- Your dad has black hair.

You know that list is going in her memory box!

4. Here are some more of my favorite things, Oprah style:

~ my Coach wristlet that my bestie gave me last year.
I carry ALOT of stuff in there and switch it from bag to bag!

~ coconut oil. I mainly use it to take off my eye makeup but I also cooked with it today.

~ my comfy ballet slippers. What's better on a cold night?!

~ love this top for doing yoga! 

5. random photo of the day:

this girl has mad skills! 
(and apparently it helps to stick your tongue out when you're learning how to dribble.)


  1. Congratulations on your feature! So happy for you!

  2. That's awesome that you were featured! Congrats lady! Cute answers about Dad. ha ha
